Saturday, May 7, 2011

Asean leaders tackle food, energy security

business mirror

SATURDAY, 07 MAY 2011 18:48

JAKARTA, Indonesia—President Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, chairman of the 18th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) Summit has proposed the establishment of Asean food and energy security frameworks that will help address the food and electricity requirements of the region in the coming years.
In his speech formally opening the 18th Asean Summit held at the Jakarta Convention Center here on Saturday, the Indonesian chief executive acknowledged the challenges of food security and energy security.
He said “this global situation” will have the world population hitting the 9 billion mark by 2045 forcing nations “face a competitive situation for scarce resources for their citizens’ daily needs.”
“The competition for energy, for food, and for clean water will become part of the global competition,” Yudyohono said.
He stressed the need for “clear and evident cooperation amongst Asean, with special emphasis on programs on securing food supply [and energy supply] for the people.”
Yudhoyono said, “one of the quick responses that we must take is establishing an Asean Integrated Food Security Framework that is comprehensive, particularly in research and development.
“More specifically, we must attend to the formulation of a food reserves system in Asean and also one that [will] assist farmers from escaping poverty,” he added.
Of equal import, the Indonesian President said, “is the need to ensure energy security.”
He pointed out the need to find and develop sources of renewable energy “to increase the available supply of energy sources and reduce energy consumption that negatively impacts the environment.”
“Furthermore, the application of renewable energy and the implementation of the program of Asean Energy Efficiency and Conservation should promote the economic and social development in countries in Asean,” Yudhoyono said.
He also pointed out the need to strengthen cooperation on renewable-energy sources and alternative energy, including hydro and geothermal-power through the development of research centers and renewable energy (facilities) in our region.
“We must give serious attention and take concrete measures to address the soaring prices of food and energy which has negatively affected the prosperity of our people,” Yudhoyono said.
President Aquino arrived in Jakarta on Friday to join other Asean leaders at the summit–his second since he assumed the presidency last year—to discuss the priority issues of Asean as it works towards building an Asean Community by 2015.
During the summit, which ends on Sunday, the President expected to emphasize the priorities and initiatives to promote and develop a people-centered Asean through the Asean community’s three major pillars: political-security, economic and sociocultural.
The President is also attending the Seventh Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East Asean Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) Leaders’ Summit at the same venue where he will have a chance to push for the development of the area as a prime eco-tourism destination through the promotion of community-based strategies such as infrastructure support and incentives for tourism marketing.
The BIMP-EAGA cooperation also aims to increase trade, tourism and investments with and outside the subregion through the facilitation of free movement of people, goods and services, make the best use of common infrastructure and natural resources and take the fullest advantage of economic complementation.
President Aquino is also expected to conduct several bilateral meetings with fellow Asean country leaders at the sidelines of the summit.
In his departure speech on Friday, the President underscored the need to attend the Asean summit to further strengthen the Philippines bilateral, economic and security with neighboring Southeast Asian nations.
 “Our intention behind this trip is clear—to convey to other nations that the Philippines is ready to cooperate,” he said.

In Photo: President Aquino (center), along with Asean Secretary-General Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, Cambodia Prime Minister Dato Najib Razak, Singapore Senior Minister S. Jayakumar and Lao People's Democratic Republic Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong, arrive at the main lobby of the Jakarta Convention Center for the opening ceremonies of the 18th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) Leaders’ Summit on Saturday. The 10 regional leaders will discuss matters on ensuring the significant progress of Asean Community by 2015; to maintain a conducive structure and situation in the region to promote economic development and people’s welfare; and to start the ball rolling on the need for Asean vision post-2015, grounded on the role of  Asean community in a global community of nations.  (Malacañang Photo Bureau)

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