Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Councilors nix power coop's pay hike

Sunstar Baguio
THE Baguio City Council is convinced the salary of Benguet Electric Cooperative (Beneco) department heads should be maintained.
The council also approved the proposed resolution supporting the call of a group of electric consumers to no longer increase department heads' pay.
Aside from the current salary of P55,000 every month, the council said department managers are already receiving over P100,000 because of non-cash benefits such as 15th month pay, performance allowances, rice subsidy, and grocery allowances, among others.
The same resolution also opposed the proposed development fund of the board of directors from P200,000 to P500,000.
The council also required Beneco to submit its financial report to the City Council.
A representative of the National Electric Administration (NEA), meanwhile, said they are still studying whether to approve the proposal or not.
Salary decision not unanimous
Meanwhile, Councilor Fred Bagbagen said the resolution for a request in salary increase for both department heads and rank-and-file employees was not a unanimous decision after all.
Bagbagen said during the recent council session, Beneco confirmed there were two board members who did not agree with the proposed increase.
"They may be charged with falsification," Bagbagen said as cooperative representatives said the decision to increase was not unanimous.
He said the electric cooperative must start acting like a legitimate cooperative and uphold the interest of the people.
The councilor also said that employees being pirated and brain drain are not reasons to have an extravagant increase as only department heads will experience an 82 percent hike, upping their salaries from P55,000 to P100,000.
Bagbagen said no department head has been pirated in the past and when asked during the council meeting if any executive will resign if not given the increase, "They answered no."
Bagbagen said he has no qualms about the increase in the salaries of the rank and file employees as they will only be getting a mere five percent increase.
Beneco department heads are set to receive P1,530,100 in salaries and benefits if the increase is approved.
Bagbagen said sources have told him that aside from the present P55,000 salary of department heads, they are also entitled to a P60,000 yearly representation allowance, 21,600 rice allowance, P1,500 for rainwear, P40,000 educational allowance, P2,000 anniversary allowance, P5,000 grocery allowance as well as 13th and 14th month pays.
The nine department heads also enjoy a free vehicle as well as free gasoline and a per diem allowance when travelling.
Published in the Sun.Star Baguio newspaper on May 04, 2011.

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